Wednesday, December 19, 2012
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Product details
File Size: 18095 KB
Print Length: 927 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0789759446
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Pearson IT Certification; 2 edition (May 11, 2018)
Publication Date: May 11, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#136,562 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I read this book & i read the same brand of book three years ago when i took and passed the CAS002 exam.I hate to write negative reviews but I am an IT professional who has read atleast 25 certification books & i feel this is poorly written.Not to go into terrible detail the book:1. Fails to go into details or address technologies that are found on the CAS003 (I took it today)2. With all due respect the author often goes over the same things in chapters that are not related to the chapter the content is supposed to be addressing for a given chapter. Example "blah blah blah but that was covered in chapter X" very often.***I would try one of the other study materials
I read through the book once, and then the second time I went and took notes. I took all the practice exams so often that I memorized the answers. After the first time I failed, I went back and read up on the areas that I missed. Just failed the second time, and honestly I have no idea how one would study for the CASP exam. The book isn't necessarily bad, it just does not prepare you for the exam.
The book is descent in information and layout. I purchased the additional features listed in the back. That is where the issues lay. I received a receipt, but did not get any information on downloading the PDF or extra exams. Pearsonitcertification deactivated their support phone number. The email support took 4 days to reply and pretty much blew me off by directing me to FAQ which provided no information on my specific issue.
Great book. Arrived early. Great study material. Amazon didn't put any packaging cushioning whatsoever though. Just saying.
I am currently using this book to study for my CASP certification in the near future, so far the book is easy to read and breaks down information into topics and subtopics to quickly find what you need. I am only into chapter 3 so far but I like this book more than any other book I have or can find to study for the CASP by leaps and bounds.UPDATE: I pass my CASP on 9/27/18 but took older version due to more study materials, so don't know how good book is on current version. I suggest use other sources in addition to book.
Great book just need more time to finish reading it!
Covered a good bit of what I needed to know.
Every chapter provide good detail into each category to which it belonged. The book is a great study help material.
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